- Can you remember how your first experience on American
English was once you were in the USA?
leaving, they told me it wouldn’t be easy to understand the language, but I
thought they were just trying to scare me. Well, they weren’t. During the first
days, I felt like I didn’t even know what language they were speaking. Here’s
an example: it was the first class of my first day of high school and I was
very nervous. The girl next to me said: Hi, my name is Kya. I don’t know why, I
didn’t understand her the first time, so I asked: sorry? She repeated it again
and again and again. It took me four times to understand her, and that was only
a very short sentence, so imagine when I tried to understand my America Studies
teacher talking about how Colon discovered America, it was almost impossible.
After a couple weeks, I started getting used to it and after I couple months it
wasn’t a problem to understand them.
Winter Carnival |
- What
do you do every day and how is a normal day in an American family?
On a school day, I
used to get up at 7am, get ready, have breakfast and drive to school with my
sister. School started at 8 and it was over at 14:45. After that, I usually had
practice. Then I used to go home, do my homework, have dinner, watch TV or do
something with the family and go to bed.
Weekends were
completely different; we used to have a big breakfast and then do lots of
different stuff like shopping, hiking, hanging out with some friends, going to
the movies, etc. It is also very common to have sleepovers very often.
- How is your life at the High School?
High School in America
is completely different from Spanish schools. In my case, I had 4 classes every
day, which were called periods or blocks, an each period lasted for one hour
and a half. We had a 10min break after first block and we had a 22min break at
around 12 to have lunch. After school, many people played sports. Most popular
sports are football, baseball and basketball. Each school has its own teams, so
you play for your school, not for a private club. High school is more than just
classes; there are clubs like the drama club or the math club. They also
celebrate two dances at the high school, homecoming at the beginning of the
school year and prom at the end of it.
In general, school is
easier in America than in Spain; you don’t need to do much homework because you
work a lot in class and exams don’t have as much importance as here. A part
from that, you can choose your classes, so you can make your own schedule and take
the classes that you like the most. There are also some fun classes like foods
(cooking), music, art, drama, etc.