dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014

Sant Jordi Literary Contest

In this edition, many students have participated in the Sant Jordi Literary Contest, which means that this contest has turned out to be a challenge for all students. We invite you all to have a look at the texts of the winners in each category. We hope you enjoy them!


1 PRIZE has gone to Ester Escribà from 2BATX.:
About a watch from llepedrolo

2 PRIZE has gone to Marta Massons from 2BATX: 

A Special mention has gone to Adam Amaya from 2BATX:

 1 PRIZE has gone to Laia Esqué from 4ESO:
Laia Esqué 

divendres, 23 de maig del 2014

Time Capsules

The students from  4ESO carried out a project about the hypothetical items they would include in a Time Capsule for future generations.

1. Agnès Sala, Cristina Serrano and Marina Solà:     Time Capsule
2. Laia Esqué, Laura Grau, Nadine Serra: Time Capsule
3. Raquel Amat, Xènia Balagué, Alina Capata Time Capsule

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014

Bathsheeba the Witch

Students in 1st ESO have read two books in English, this third term they read Bathsheeba the Witch. Students read most of the book in class and did at home a pairwork powerpoint activity, called PHOTONOVEL. They learnt how to do it in the computers' class and practised the writing skill in English: they scanned the photos from the book and added the text in groups of two students. Instead of writing a summary they did this activity to have more fun. Here you have an example of one of the best photonovels that Rita Piñol and Judit Vidal from 1st ESO B made. Good job !


diumenge, 4 de maig del 2014

50-word Stories...

The students from 4 ESO wrote some 50-word stories. They recorded them and here below you have their results:

The Dragon and the.... by Roger Rovira and Francesc Selva

dark street by Adrià Setó  andÈric

 A Mistery...   by MarinaSolà and Queralt Ampurdanès