Here you have a digital poster on a typical dish: Banana Split
Banana Split, by Joel and Quim
dijous, 20 de novembre del 2014
Etiquetes de comentaris:
British Food,
Curs 2014-2015
dijous, 13 de novembre del 2014
Are we Anglicisms Victims?
The student Noemí Balagueró from Batxillerat Humanistic wrote a Research Paper entitled "Are we Anglicisms Victims?". Below you've got the front page of her paper as well as the link to her prezi presentation:
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by Noemí Balagueró |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Curs 2014-2015,
Treballs de Recerca
dissabte, 8 de novembre del 2014
British Food
The students from 3rd ESO carried out a project on British Food. Below, you can see some examples of their projects: SHEPHERD'S PIE:
By Genís Arbós
By Genís Arbós
dijous, 19 de juny del 2014
Prix Sant Jordi 2014
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Curs 2013-2014,
Sant Jordi
Let's Speak!
Here you have an example of the blog created by the students who studied the subject 'Let's Speak' in 1st and 2nd of ESO:
Let's Speak Blog by Ghita Rhabi
Let's Speak Blog by Ghita Rhabi
dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014
Sant Jordi Literary Contest
In this edition, many students have participated in the Sant Jordi Literary Contest, which means that this contest has turned out to be a challenge for all students. We invite you all to have a look at the texts of the winners in each category. We hope you enjoy them!
1 PRIZE has gone to Ester Escribà from 2BATX.:
A Special mention has gone to Adam Amaya from 2BATX:
1 PRIZE has gone to Laia Esqué from 4ESO:
1 PRIZE has gone to Ester Escribà from 2BATX.:
A Special mention has gone to Adam Amaya from 2BATX:
1 PRIZE has gone to Laia Esqué from 4ESO:
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Curs 2013-2014,
Sant Jordi
divendres, 23 de maig del 2014
Time Capsules
The students from 4ESO carried out a project about the hypothetical items they would include in a Time Capsule for future generations.
1. Agnès Sala, Cristina Serrano and Marina Solà: Time Capsule
2. Laia Esqué, Laura Grau, Nadine Serra: Time Capsule
3. Raquel Amat, Xènia Balagué, Alina Capata : Time Capsule
1. Agnès Sala, Cristina Serrano and Marina Solà: Time Capsule
2. Laia Esqué, Laura Grau, Nadine Serra: Time Capsule
3. Raquel Amat, Xènia Balagué, Alina Capata : Time Capsule
dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014
Bathsheeba the Witch
Students in 1st ESO have read two books in English, this third term they read Bathsheeba the Witch. Students read most of the book in class and did at home a pairwork powerpoint activity, called PHOTONOVEL.
They learnt how to do it in the computers' class and practised the writing skill in English: they scanned the photos from the book and added the text in groups of two students. Instead of writing a summary they did this activity to have more fun.
Here you have an example of one of the best photonovels that Rita Piñol and Judit Vidal from 1st ESO B made. Good job !
diumenge, 4 de maig del 2014
50-word Stories...
The students from 4 ESO wrote some 50-word stories. They recorded them and here below you have their results:
- The Dragon and the.... by Roger Rovira and Francesc Selva
A dark street by Adrià Setó andÈric
- The Dragon and the.... by Roger Rovira and Francesc Selva
A dark street by Adrià Setó andÈric
A Mistery... by MarinaSolà and Queralt Ampurdanès
diumenge, 9 de març del 2014
2 Batx. Oral Presentations
Here you have two examples of oral presentations that the students from 2Batx carried out in the second term.
1. Anna Cardona delivered a talk based on an article entitled ' Five Fascinating Facts about the Human Body',
Here you have the link to see the video: '5 Fascinating Facts about the Human Body'
2. Belén Gabarró delivered a talk based on a BBC article entitled ' Britishisms and the Britishisation of American English'.
Here you have the link to see the video: Britishisms and the Britishisation of the American English
The students had to deliver a speech about any topic they most liked. Here below you have some examples.
1. Clàudia Serrano delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
2. Belén Gabarró delivered a Fighting differences Speech: Fighting Differences
3. Laia Vilaplana delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
4. Anna Cardona delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
1. Anna Cardona delivered a talk based on an article entitled ' Five Fascinating Facts about the Human Body',
Here you have the link to see the video: '5 Fascinating Facts about the Human Body'
2. Belén Gabarró delivered a talk based on a BBC article entitled ' Britishisms and the Britishisation of American English'.
Here you have the link to see the video: Britishisms and the Britishisation of the American English
The students had to deliver a speech about any topic they most liked. Here below you have some examples.
1. Clàudia Serrano delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
2. Belén Gabarró delivered a Fighting differences Speech: Fighting Differences
3. Laia Vilaplana delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
4. Anna Cardona delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
diumenge, 2 de març del 2014
El passat divendres
21 de febrer alumnes de francès de 3r i 4t d’ESO i de 1r de Batxillerat van
participar al XIV Concurs de Traducció de la Facultat de Traducció i
Interpretació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Les élèves en train de faire la traduction. |
La prova consistia
en traduir un text del francès al català amb l’ajut d’un diccionari en versió
Els alumnes de l’ESO van haver de traduir un
text sobre el Minitel, un aparell típicament francès que va desaparèixer de les
seves llars cap al juny del 2012 amb l’entrada d’Internet.
Els de Batxillerat
es van trobar amb un text força més complicat que parlava de l’Albert Camus,
escriptor i filòsof francès. Per primer cop,
aquest any els participants van poder realitzar la seva traducció al nostre
institut sense necessitat de desplaçar-se a Barcelona o a Lleida.
dijous, 13 de febrer del 2014
Coming-Out Literature
The student Mª Belén Gabarró Aznar from Batxillerta Humanístic wrote a Research Paper entitled: 'Coming-Out Literature, Homosexuality in American literature from the 40's and 50's'.
Below you've got the front page of her paper.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Curs 2013-2014,
Treballs de Recerca
Edinburgh Glogster
dilluns, 10 de febrer del 2014
Differences between Spain and the USA
dilluns, 3 de febrer del 2014
My Town
Here you've got two Powerpoints about some of 1st of ESO students' towns:
dimecres, 29 de gener del 2014
Reflections on 'A Christmas Carol'
The Students from 3rd ESO have read an abridged version of the widely-known novel 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. After reading it, they have studied some topics which have come up throughout the novel. 'Does money buy happiness?' is a statement they have been thinking about. Below, you have two examples of the class outcomes:
diumenge, 19 de gener del 2014
dimecres, 15 de gener del 2014
'Sing Along' Pictures!
Click on the link below and you will see some picks from the 'Sing Along' concert:
'Sing Along' Pics!
'Sing Along' Pics!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Curs 2013-2014
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