diumenge, 9 de març del 2014

2 Batx. Oral Presentations

Here you have two examples of oral presentations that the students from 2Batx carried out in the second term.


1. Anna Cardona delivered a talk based on an article entitled ' Five Fascinating Facts about the Human Body',
Here you have the link to see the video:    '5 Fascinating Facts about the Human Body'

2. Belén Gabarró delivered a talk based on a BBC article entitled ' Britishisms and the Britishisation of American English'.
Here you have the link to see the video: Britishisms and the Britishisation of the American English


The students had to deliver a speech about any topic they most liked. Here below you have some examples.

1. Clàudia Serrano delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
2. Belén Gabarró delivered a Fighting differences Speech: Fighting Differences
3. Laia Vilaplana delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech
4. Anna Cardona delivered a Graduation Speech: Graduation Speech

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